Academic Appointments
Copenhagen Business School
Professor of Finance, Department of Finance, FRIC Center for Financial Frictions, 2011-present.
New York University Stern School of Business
Distinguished Visiting Research Professor, 2014-present.
John A. Paulson Professor of Finance and Alternative Investments, 2009- 2014.
Professor of Finance, 2007-2009.
Associate Professor of Finance, with tenure, 2005-2007.
Charles Schaefer Family Fellow, 2003-2006.
Assistant Professor of Finance, 2001-2005.
University of Chicago
Milton Friedman Institute Fellow, Fall 2010.
IGM Visiting Professor, Booth School of Business, Spring 2010.
Columbia Business School
Visiting Professor, Spring 2009.
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Research Associate, 2006-2014.
Faculty Research Fellow, 2004-2006.
Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
Research Fellow, 2004-present.
Editorial Boards
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Associate Editor, 2011-2017.
Journal of Finance, Associate Editor, 2006-2012.
Journal of Economic Theory, Associate Editor, 2005-2012.
The Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Associate Editor, 2010- 2012.
Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
Ph.D. in Business, June 2001.
Advisors: Darrell Duffie and Ken Singleton.
University of Copenhagen
M.S. in Mathematics-Economics (cand.scient.oecon.), August 1997.
B.S. in Mathematics-Economics, July 1995.
Professional Experience
AQR Capital Management, LLC
Principal, 2009-present.
Vice President, 2007-2008.
Consultant, 2006-2007.
Danmarks Nationalbank
Research Advisory Council, 2021-present
American Finance Association
Director, 2011-2014.
Advisory Board, 2009-2012.
Economic Advisory Board, 2008-2011.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Monetary Policy Panel, 2010-2011.
Liquidity Working Group, 2009-2011.
Academic Consultant, 2004-2007.
State Street Bank, State Street Global Markets
Consultant, 2005-2007.
Benchmark Metrics
Advisory Board, 2006-2008.
Member of the school’s board of directors, 2014-2018.
Speaking Engagements
Misc. compensated and non-compensated speaking engagements (see full curriculum vitae).
Awards and Honors
Career Awards
Prize from Thule Foundation at Skandia, Stockholm, Sweden, for "relevant contributions to banking, insurance, and financial services", 2018
Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher (formerly The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds), 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
EliteForsk Award, the Danish government's award to five of Denmark’s most talented researchers, 2015.
Banque de France-TSE Prize in Monetary Economics and Finance, 2013.
Nykredit Researcher Prize, 2012.
Germán Bernácer Prize to the Best European Union Economist Under 40 Years of Age, 2011.
General Paper Awards
Stephen A. Ross Prize, 2020, biennial award for a paper in financial economics selected from all papers published over the prior 15 years.
Swiss Finance Institute Outstanding Paper Award, 2023, for an unpublished research paper expected to make an outstanding contribution to the field of finance.
Swiss Finance Institute Outstanding Paper Award, 2011.
Best Paper Awards in the Top Three Academic Finance Journals
The Journal of Finance, Dimensional Fund Advisors Prize distinguished paper, 2023
Journal of Financial Economics, Fama/DFA Second Place Winner, 2020.
Journal of Financial Economics, Fama/DFA Second Place Winner, 2018.
The Journal of Finance, Brattle Prize distinguished paper, 2018
Journal of Financial Economics, Fama/DFA First Prize for best paper, 2014.
The Review of Financial Studies, Michael Brennan Award Winner for the best paper, 2012.
Journal of Financial Economics, Fama/DFA First Prize for best paper, 2005.
Best Paper Awards in Practitioner Journals
The Journal of Portfolio Management, Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award, 2022
Financial Analysts Journal, Graham and Dodd Award of Excellence, Top Award, 2021
Financial Analysts Journal, Graham and Dodd Award of Excellence, Top Award, 2018
Conference Paper Awards
Utah Winter Finance Conference Best Paper Award, 2024
AIM Investment Center Best Paper Award, 2016
Whitebox Prize for Best Financial Research, 2012
Roger F. Murray Prize, 2011.
Geewax, Terker & Company First Prize, 2006.
CDC Award for best research paper in finance, NYU 2004.
NYSE Award for the best paper on equity trading, Western Finance Association 2003.
Barclays Global Investors Award for best the paper at the European Finance Association, 2003.
Glucksman First-Place Award for best research paper in finance, NYU 2002- 2003.
NYSE Award for the best paper on equity trading, Western Finance Association 2002.
Academic Societies
Elected Member of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2017.
Elected Member of Academia Europaea (the Academy of Europe), 2012.
Other Awards and Honors
European Research Council (ERC) Grant, 2013.
American Economic Review, Excellence in Refereeing Award, 2011.
Foundation Banque de France, 2011, “International Systemic Risk Rankings” (w/ Rob Engle et al.).
Review of Economic Studies Tour, 2001.
Lieberman Award, Stanford University, 2000, awarded biennially to a business school student with a demonstrated potential for a leadership role in the academic community.
Jaedicke Merit Award, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, 1997-98.
Danish Research Academy Scholar 1997-2000.
Fulbright Fellowship Awarded 1997 (declined).
Sasakawa Young Leaders Winner 1997.
Peter and Emma Thomsens Award 1994, 1995, and 1996.